Friday, January 30, 2009

a letter to you...

wish you could be here with me. Outside in the front yard. The sun's nearly gone down. A cool summer evening breeze makes its way from tree to tree, rustling the leaves. It's dark, yet not night. The moon smiles from the sky, one lone star north-west of it. The trees and bushes have become ebony sillouettes. The sky is a gradient of oranges and blues. My jar of green pencils is afloat in a sea of grass. 'My' camera partly hidden beneath my black pirate bag. The mozzies are out but I can not see them, just sense them. Next door's Narnia lamps have just turned on, shining their light in the not yet night. I wear my lovely big over sized comfy cotton sweater accquired at last saturday's markets. I feel safe within the folds of fabric. My legs are protected from the wind with our red checked sleeping bag. I have watched the sun go down, or rather I drew whilst it sunk into the hills on the not so far horizon. My mind keeps wondering to you. My thoughts are with you. My heart's there too. It's darker now. I can hardly see the keys I am typing. It happened all so quickly. Wish we could stay out here together. But I know the time soon cometh where I will close my mac book, put the camera in my bag next to my jar of green pencils, sling it over one shoulder, the sleeping bag over the other, laptop under one arm, and walk back inside to where my brothers are watching National Treasure number 2. The sleeping bag will be returned to my room, the rest probably to the Big Table where my portrait 'studio' is currently set up. I may make an ecco. I may sit down and watch the end of the movie. But my thoughts will occasionaly return to the outside, the outside where I can almost feel you. I can now see the mozzies' sillouettes when they fly infront of the screen. Night is almost fully here. But not yet. A moment longer in this world I long to stay in. Perhaps this is what they call a twilight zone. That sereal moment between sunset and night. An ant is exploring my desktop. I love cool summer nights. Wish you were here with me. Wish you could see what I see. Feel what I feel. One day. One day. Night is coming. The dark is spreading thicker. But I am not scared. I have the memory of you and my sweater. The breeze is getting stronger as it plays with the hair framing my face. The breeze is now a wind telling me to go inside. Night is here.
love me.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

One hot summer's day...

About to embark upon a 2 hour train trip to the Cumberland campus of Sydney Uni. Mum and me are prepared to fight off boredom with our respective books (mama=Inkdeath, me= the tao of Pooh) and of course, a camera. I'm about to enroll in university!!!!

Yesterday reality hit me and hit me hard. I actually do not have enough money to move out. Not even in the near future. I guess it's time for head down, tail up and a lot of hard work. Maybe I won't move out this year. I am looking at a possible 5 years of study. There's always time. No need to rush into debt-in fact I plan on avoiding it as much I can. I shall work, save, and bide my time...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

3 hours of sleep

Got home from baby sitting at 11.50pm Friday. Shower. Finished Inkdeath. Bed=12.30am. Left for Sydney markets at 3.30am Saturday. Home at 8.30am. I am dead. Just a bit. Happy, but dead and slightly grumpy.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

This is what summer holidays are made of!

Have just returned from a wonderful two days at Indi's for her 18th celebrations where we did many a thing. Well a picture tells a thousand words, therefore feast your eyes:

Tea's rooster Tweaty felt threatened by my thongs, leaving a warning etched in blood

Jacspi filling us up for the early morning journey to Indi's

Seeing our first film on the bigscreen!

Toni the fish and Jac the photographer eyeing me off

A lost thong on the path to The Crater

Tea's lovely feet as photographed by herself
Tea told me to try and eat the truck, but my mouth just wasn't big enough!

After 24 hours I finally manage to pull out the splinter gained from op shopping-ouch!

Our lovely picnic at the bike park

free chop sticks straight from nature!

Well that's the first peek into the last 2 days quickly put together before I drive back to Indi's for touch. Check out Jacspi's blog for more pictures!

Friday, January 16, 2009

2 days of successful treasure hunting

Yesterday Jacspi spirited me away to an island of buried treasure and thus began our digging in the heat and sweat only found in the middle of a summer's day. By and By we came out triumphant with 2 bags filled with lovely booty at a steal of $18 for myself and $17 for my fellow ninja/pirate/high sea adventurer. Mine finds include: a jar of giant buttons, a ball of gold/yellow twine, a black espirit skirt, a browny cue top, a white shirt, a cool flower printed almost square top, bright green bed sheet, 2 bed sheets which just happen to be the twins of 2 Jacu bourght, a pillow case and another bed sheet, an old book of maps, Lysaght referee book, Decimal Reckoner book, 7 magazines of music, food and interior design, a bead necklace, 2 small photo frames, and somehow a tyre gauge keyring found its way into my loot. (somewhere out there a car is calling me. That and a pot of gold to buy it with. or simple hard work)

Today I returned but this time it was my turn to spirit away my mama and lil bro no.2 to an early 9am hunt. I spent $37. The $7 bourght me 4 glass jars, a wooden spoon, a hanging rack, a wicker basket, a metal cooking pot and 2 enamal bowls. The $30 was spent on something entirely different. I stumbled upon a 1991 Bernette sewing machine in very good condition. That's right I bourght a sewing machine which 18 years ago brand new cost $500, for $30. Talk about a bargin. It needs a service ( cost = $85-a service which will have to wait for my funds to replenish) but still works. And it came with all its spare feet, needles, screwdrivers, bobbins etc. and of course the manual. Smiles all round from sockpuppet:D

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I had forgotten what 6 o'clock in the morning was like. I can't believe I'd been missing out on this glorious time of morning for the past 2 weeks. Early this morning I drove my family (minus my lil sister) to the sand dunes. I had first been introduced to them last week by Jacspi and decided to share the experience with my parents and little brothers. Yesterday the idea had been repulsed, torn down, stamped on and screamed at. Today little boys rubbing sleep from their eyes were more open and less hostile (a big thankyou to a good night's sleep!) As I drove in the early morning sun, my dad in the front, my mama reading The Fellowship of the Ring to my half awake brothers, I was able to observe the early morning life stirring in our local neighbourhood. No longer am I going to sleep in, even to a comfortable 7.30. 6 o'clock is the best time ever created and I shall be awake to see it.

At the sand dunes mama and I took photos while Papa walked and the boys collected rocks and shells. I have decided, a decision made all the way back at Port, that I want to live right near the beach. Close enough to run/walk every morning or at least a 5 or 10 min drive. There is a peace which exists there with the early fishermen, surfers and beach walkers. Wether it be photos, mediation, swimming, running, etc, one is able to forget the world, discover the simple things in life and become closer to who they're meant to be. Despite the salt and sand coating your body, you always feel clean walking away from the water, through the sand and back to your car. Refreshed for a new day or even life. It washes the stress away and gives you the strength to face the oncoming day head on. My family has never been a beach family and so it is only now in my own travels and thanks to some great friends that I have found this love.

Monday, January 12, 2009

classical music and cucumbers

The sure way to cleanse the body and mind-making a complete and squeaky clean soul.
(a saturday night discovery)

(I had my first taste of live music at the Sydney music festival on saturday night!!!Cat Empire was great first dose! Though being surrounded by a group of drunk chain smokers did dampen the atmosphere somewhat)

(sometimes we don't realise that the right thing is the right thing until we play around with it, changing and rearranging, only to find that we feel at peace when it's returned to its original state.)

(or we have to take everything out, experimenting as we put it back together, only to find that the changes made did not physically require all that moving out. But the physical process stimulated the mental and emotional, thus the only pathway to discovery)

(interior design can be a soul draining process)

It is a truth universally acknowledged...

There is a little green hardback novel with a crescent water stain on its cover, sharing a cushion with with my left elbow. We have become good friends, the book and I, but I was not the first. At least 6 others before me have(using pen and ink)signed their name and titles(though how truthful they were I know not) on those blank pages which proceed the title page. 1953 appears to be the earliest date attached to a name.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I never realised how witty an author she was. They way she crafts words together is brilliant. I was raised on the 5 hour BBC production and reading the book was just as good as watching the series. Both book and tv show shed light on each other, illuminating and developing the characters to the fullest. I cannot wait to read more of her books along with Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Elizabeth Glaskell, just to name a few.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Merry late Christmas Jacspi!

Hey there fellow ninja,
I promised photos of my latest room layout and so here they are! There are a mix of digi-cam and D80 photos, general and experimental pictures. Enjoy and welcome to my world:)
much love, sockpuppet (jedi).

There's many more than this, so if you'd like them, just pop over with your pebble and they will be all yours!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

what was several long paragraphs is now this...

well last night I wrote an in depth and insightful post expounding upon the past two weeks' enlightening and changing effects, but dad turned off the wireless and when I finally returned to my laptop today it had run out of battery-thus losing all yesterday's writings. So right now I'm feeling kinda pooped (dehydration not helping). To cut a long post short, I now have a whole new outlook on life. And I'm not doing art at uni. I'm going to (hopefully) do a health science degree majoring in physiotherapy.