Monday, December 22, 2008

fun times

As you've probably noticed, my blog had a make over. The other template was just a fill in until I got around to individualising my blog. This will probably will be just one of the many skins it shall wear over the duration of its life:)

I've swam in chlorine for about 4 hours today and got a bit more sun than I needed, so currently I'm feeling slightly...drained. I've also been baby sitting all day and the girls are great-many thanks owed to Jacspi for getting me the job! I've decided I love random conversations on buses with complete strangers. I love getting that brief bit of insight into the life of one of the many peoples around us- people we would normally just look over and forget.

So cool!!!!the Ewock family just came and carolled to us and gave us shortbread and presents...mum's calling for dinner so signing out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Good. I thought i was the only one who liked convo with randoms. I stop talking to ppl on the bus after my friends bagged out the idea.

You weren't joking about being a Star Wars fan.
