About to embark upon a 2 hour train trip to the Cumberland campus of Sydney Uni. Mum and me are prepared to fight off boredom with our respective books (mama=Inkdeath, me= the tao of Pooh) and of course, a camera. I'm about to enroll in university!!!!
Yesterday reality hit me and hit me hard. I actually do not have enough money to move out. Not even in the near future. I guess it's time for head down, tail up and a lot of hard work. Maybe I won't move out this year. I am looking at a possible 5 years of study. There's always time. No need to rush into debt-in fact I plan on avoiding it as much I can. I shall work, save, and bide my time...
Oh ho ho! You're in for a LONG day - enrollment consists of hours upon hours standing in lines and filling out forms and by gosh does it take a long time. Have fun! ;^D
With the moving out thing - I'll let you know what it's like (and what the debts are like...), and hopefully you won't feel like you're missing out on too much. :^)
Now, back to the packing.
Sounds wise, Jedi.
Yessum, it's all very well and good to dream and imagine, and talk about leaving with an all-confident air, but when it actually comes down to it all, it's all soo much more difficult than you realise. I can't even imagine myself not at home yet, not around my family or in my room (for which my respect and love is exponentially rising), even though my mind wanders into the possibility of independance and a small, albeit frugal, life of my own.
Have fun enrolling!!
(And wow - five years? really?)
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