yeah. I can't believe it either. I'm blogging again. Anyway moving on from the obvious I'd just like to say I've finished reading Eldest, The Second Sun and The Light and the Fury. AND they were worth reading. EMP(electro magnetic pulse) is one scary feasible concept/reality. Uni started up again yesterday and with my four hours on the train plus a bit of this morning's trip I read A Wizard of Earthsea. A brilliant novel if I do say so myself. The battle between light and dark, a shadow which we all have and must face. Sparrowhawk and Vetch <3. The power of true names. and true friendship. A friendship I share with 3 special people- our own little sparrowhawk out braving a world far (but not too far) from our own.
[aside:I'm eating dry cereal kindly donated by Eru to help me survive the train trip yester-even]
Eru was eaten by pigeons today. She became a crazy bird lady AND i caught it on film (he he he).
A pleasant surprise trip to Borders with Indi (oh the advantages of finishing uni early)
What is my shadow? Where is my shadow? Is it myself?
What is my true name? Is it the name we receive at birth our true name or one we adopt later on in life? Do some never find it? Are some given it from birth? Do we become a name or does a name become us? Does it actually matter? What is in a name?
I like the thought of 'true names', inherent names, acting as a summation of our identity and our place in the universe. The thought of such names being accessible is exciting, but comes a bit too close to knowing the true nature of things for my liking. To know would be to know the fundamentals, and to know the fundamentals would be to know all. And then, aren't we all equal fundamentally? Isn't that what science and religion dually argue? That, whether from the divine heritage of a God; or from a Big Bang, a singular point of infinte density and pressure; we sprung from a single source? A single name? When do we earn our right to individuality and true independance from the whole, a right to a name unique? And if we are all interconnected, is it a single name that connects us? Are we individual at all?
Or perhaps we are like beads of dew in a spider's web. Alike but not. Seperate, but sisters.
Or perhaps we are more like coloured threads in a great tapestry. Each of a colour of our own, and that colour is our naming?
<3 questions spawn more questions. Never answers.
i miss sparrowhawk.
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