Wednesday, May 12, 2010

wk 10 and a routine is slowing beginning to emerge [about time too!]

Chilly autumn night basketball....
Driving manual with only 1 stall....
Torque and Levers summarised with a nice 100% on the quiz I remembered to do...
Black holes and revelations-more revelations than black holes....
My biomechanics text is my new best friend-I am determined to pass this course! One test does not determine my destiny!
Lots of walking in the beautiful chilly weather-warms you up for sure! [that and laughing at how Frances watched an entire season of Friends yesterday and realised too late that he had a neuroscience lecture....]
Reminiscing first year uni as I take the long way to the train station via uni grounds....
Braiding and fish tailing a friend's hair for work.....
Renal anatomy....
Being pushed by my neuro lecture for a demonstration on feedforward systems-Dezi being my volunteering buddy.....
Life saving lollies from Judy....

all in a day's work for Ess