Friday, January 16, 2009

2 days of successful treasure hunting

Yesterday Jacspi spirited me away to an island of buried treasure and thus began our digging in the heat and sweat only found in the middle of a summer's day. By and By we came out triumphant with 2 bags filled with lovely booty at a steal of $18 for myself and $17 for my fellow ninja/pirate/high sea adventurer. Mine finds include: a jar of giant buttons, a ball of gold/yellow twine, a black espirit skirt, a browny cue top, a white shirt, a cool flower printed almost square top, bright green bed sheet, 2 bed sheets which just happen to be the twins of 2 Jacu bourght, a pillow case and another bed sheet, an old book of maps, Lysaght referee book, Decimal Reckoner book, 7 magazines of music, food and interior design, a bead necklace, 2 small photo frames, and somehow a tyre gauge keyring found its way into my loot. (somewhere out there a car is calling me. That and a pot of gold to buy it with. or simple hard work)

Today I returned but this time it was my turn to spirit away my mama and lil bro no.2 to an early 9am hunt. I spent $37. The $7 bourght me 4 glass jars, a wooden spoon, a hanging rack, a wicker basket, a metal cooking pot and 2 enamal bowls. The $30 was spent on something entirely different. I stumbled upon a 1991 Bernette sewing machine in very good condition. That's right I bourght a sewing machine which 18 years ago brand new cost $500, for $30. Talk about a bargin. It needs a service ( cost = $85-a service which will have to wait for my funds to replenish) but still works. And it came with all its spare feet, needles, screwdrivers, bobbins etc. and of course the manual. Smiles all round from sockpuppet:D

1 comment:

Threads of Light said...

Such cool finds....I love the buttons! Hey Sockpuppet, remember your agreement to be a follower, and click on my blog, ok :)